How to store your garden furniture this winter - Laura James

How to store your garden furniture this winter

As summer begins to wind down and the autumn chill starts to take over, it’s crucial that we look after our garden furniture so that it’s in perfect condition for the beautiful summer days of next year. 

Here at Laura James, we love our garden furniture and understand the importance that these outdoor pieces have in your social lives. So, learning to store them properly is key to keeping them for years to come. 

Whilst rattan furniture is UV and weathering resistant it’s important to look after your pieces so that they stay in the best possible condition. 

Here’s how to protect your outdoor furniture over the winter:

Step One: Clean

Before storing your furniture for the winter months it’s important to make sure that the furniture is clean. 

Start by removing any cushions and place them to the side. Give your pieces a quick hoover down using the soft brush attachment of your vacuum cleaner. This will help to get rid of large bits of debris and dirt from the hard to reach areas of the criss-cross weave. Then, using lukewarm water rinse down your garden furniture, making sure to use a sponge to get into any stubborn grooves. 

Once you’ve given the main body of the furniture a clean, leave it to dry. 

Top Tip: do this on a windy day to help speed up the drying process. 


Step Two: Remove and wash cushions 

Your outdoor furniture cushions should be brought inside over winter to keep them in good condition. Remove your cushion covers and hand wash them to make sure that they are clean before storing away in a dry area - think under the stairs, or in the attic.

Step Three: Clean and store your parasol 

Before packing your parasol away for winter, its crucial to sponge down the canvas to get rid of any dirt or unsightly patches.

Make sure that the underside of the parasol canvas is also clean, and that the post isn’t covered in dirt or dust. To avoid any rust on the post, ensure that you dry any areas that you sponge clean straight away.

If possible once your parasol is dry store indoors. 

Step Four: Use waterproof furniture covers.

Using a waterproof cover for your garden furniture means that you’ll be able to keep your furniture protected against the damp UK weather. For the best protection make sure that your cover fits your furniture properly, it should be snug to the items so that it doesn’t move easily. Lastly, make sure that your covers are secured firmly so that they don’t expose any part of your furniture. 

Shop our selection of rain covers here.

Step Five: Check on your furniture throughout the winter months

Be sure to keep an eye on your furniture every few weeks, making sure that there are no leaks in your furniture covers. When checking your items, ensure that they are dry, free from leaves and clear of heavy snow. 

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