Fake and Fraudulent Voucher Codes
It has been brought to our attention that there are numerous different websites offering discount vouchers for our store. We are aware that these are easy to find by searching for Laura James discount codes and as a result a number of our customers are being misled into entering details to claim a voucher code, or being directed via these websites to our website with the claim of a percentage off products.
We want to be really clear that these websites are in no way affiliated with us and therefore are using the Laura James brand without permission. We do not use third party websites to offer discounts or price promotions and these advertised discount codes will not work. You will therefore always find the best price by going directly to the Laura James website and any voucher or money off promotion we run will be advertised from our official channels.
You will only find official voucher codes in the following places:
- Our website
- Our email communications
- Our social media channels